Why I Decided to Study Software Engineering

1 min readNov 23, 2020

From jailbreaking my iPhone, to creating simple Unity video games, and messing around with the terminal in my MacBook, I fell in love with coding. When I got my first computer, I wanted to know how it worked, why it worked, and how I could teach it commands to make it do what I want. I used these curiosities of mine to learn how to save SHSH blobs for jailbreak, and how to create simple tweaks of my own to publish on Cydia. Ever since I learned how to manipulate code to make a phone or computer to do what I want, I fell in love. So when it was time to decide on college, or stay at my full time job, I chose to pursue a degree in Computer Science. After a while, I realized the traditional college experience was not for me. When I discovered Flatiron, I felt like it was my saving grace. I didn’t have to endure subjects that I had no interest in, I could dive deep into everything I love learning about. I’ve watched multiple videos of their graduates praising their ability to give the utmost education to students and help them get jobs.

